
12th April – 14th April 1967

Jayne returned to London from the North East at some point between the 8th and 12th April and in another inspired publicity move visited the House of Commons where the press were on hand once again. Invited at the request of 36-year-old MP Tim Kitson, she sat in the chamber and listened to a few debates before leaving shortly after discussions began on the budget. It can be assumed that Jayne’s London stay was at some point between the 12th and 14th April.

Jayne Mansfield house-of-commons
Jayne with Tory MPs Bill Elliott (right) and Timothy Kitson

Some superb colour footage has recently come to light of Jayne’s time in London, courtesy of the Jayne Mansfield archive channel. In this footage Jayne can be seen touring the Tower of London and receiving abuse from a local, although the rest of the crowd and the beefeaters are very happy to see her!

Jayne remained in London until Friday 14th April when she travelled to Blackpool to begin rehearsals for the renegotiated second part of her tour.

*Thank you to Stephen Cotton who alerted me to the YouTube footage in March 2024.

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